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Scattering contrast calculator, including anomalous effects using Croman-Liberman code.Merging of two overlapping data sets (SAXS curves from different distances etc.).Data plotting tools - 2D, 3D, can create movies of plots.Data export - exports data to ASCII files.Data import - imports data from ASCII & XML (CanSAS XML) files.PDDF/Molecular weight using GNOM and other tools.Mass Fractal Aggregate - 3D Monte Carlo shape reconstruction.Pair distance distribution function (PDDF, P(r)).Hermans, Modified Hermans, and Unified Born Green (correlated lamellae systems).Powder diffraction peak fitting tool (WAXS).Small-angle diffraction tool (up to 6 diffraction peaks).X-ray and Neutron reflectivity using Parrat's recursive method.Fractal model (combination of mass and surface fractals).

Selection of form factors and structure factors, Unified fit, Mass or Surface Fractal, and Diffraction peaks. Modeling - Direct modeling of SAS from up to 10 populations on up to 10 data sets at once.Irena requires commercial package Igor Pro from Wavemetrics, Inc. Irena also provides set of tools for bioSAXS users and can utilize its own tools and gnom from ATSAS package to generate PDDF. Irena also contains simple X-ray and neutron reflectivity tool, for more complex systems use Motofit. It addresses complex systems with size distributions, hierarchical structures, diffraction peaks, etc. It is mostly used for analysis of data in materials science, chemistry, polymers, metallurgy, physics, and other systems of typically solid or liquid samples. Irena is data manipulations and analysis toolbox for small-angle scattering (SAXS, SANS, USAXS, USANS) data. Irena package for analysis of small-angle scattering data